Caregiver’s Profile

Caregiver - Eka-Siti-Sulikah

Name: Eka Siti Sulikah

Nationality: Indonesian

Availability: 3 weeks (still in Indonesia, available for video interview)

Education: High School Graduate


Caregiving Skills/Training with Certificate in Singapore


  • 1 year of work experience as a caregiver in Singapore
  • 3 years of work experience as a caregiver in Taiwan


 Management of Medication, Taking, Monitoring, and Recording Vital Signs, Transferring, Diaper Change,  Bed Bathing, Suctioning, and Turning to avoid Bedsores, Transferring from bed to wheelchair assistance during doctors’ check-ups, etc.

NURSING SKILLS: NGT Feeding, Suctioning, Urinary Catheter Care, etc.

Willing to learn other Caregiving/Nursing Skills as required

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